Hello GDM fans today we are going to be talking about games, there are a bunch of games out there like chess and things. There are a lot of different type of games like board games, card games, video games and tabletop games etc. There are so many games out there that people play and they are all games so it is really fun! Games in my opinion is like really good since there are fun sometimes educational or even help you with your math or some other subject you struggle at in school.
I like the more technological games since they are more interesting and fun in my opinion you might think otherwise because that is probably because you have different opinions then me which is fine. Also, I like some other games just a little embarrassed that I cannot play some board games normally like chess or checkers but checkers I can kind of play but I really suck at checkers so yeah.
I remember one time when I was in grade one I had this obsession with this thing called speed stacks and I use to do it all the time I wanted a kit for it but in the end, I never got one and I still haven’t played it since grade 1. (I still miss it btw) I remember I used to practice and I admit I was a try-hard since you know like when some people dance they just flop their arms around and stuff but in speed stacks I was top in the class (I think, the memory is kind of blurry) and I used to practice at school almost every time we got the Speed Stacks cups. It was fun back then I still wonder if people still play Speed Stacks.
The games I absolutely hate are those claw machine ones because you go behind the coin slot and you put your coin in. You use a claw with precise aim and you know you are bout to get that Yoshi stuffy when all of the sudden the claw machine just straight up rejects you and drops the Yoshi stuffy you were begging for and your dreams are crushed (not really) anyways yeah about 99% of the claw machines are rigged and I have actually almost never played a claw machine before at least I have no memory of it. So how do I know? I watch other people use like 400 dollars on claw machines and they get a stuffy that was like worth 5 dollars if you just visited their shop and I do kind of feel bad for the people that did that but it was their fault that they wasted all that money on a rigged claw machine.
Anyways I hoped you guys enjoyed this blog and I will be seeing all of you GDM fans next time!
Twitter: @FrostedFright
Author: Angus Sun
Angus is excited to learn as much as he can about Microsoft and
other technologies. The one thing he likes is computer programming and technical writing. He also likes playing video games whenever he has spare time. Other than that, he just spends time writing blogs and creating videos.